Search Results for: fossil fuels

Alumni (1 results)

Miller, Christian

Christian Miller


Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »

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News (12 results)

Costa Rica’s Promise to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

Costa Rica’s Promise to Phase Out Fossil Fuels

Costa Rica’s president-elect Carlos Alvarado announced his goal to remove gasoline and diesel from the country’s transportation plans by 2021, its 200 year anniversary of independence. This promise marks the first time ... Continue Reading »

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Schwarzenegger, Brown, Kammen: Fighting Fossil Fuel’s “Dark Shadow”

Brown Schwarzenegger

Kammen speaks at Schwarzenegger's climate pep rally where both parties agree that it's time to fight the dark side.

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ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy

ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine Underscores the Urgency of Shifting to Renewable Energy

ERG's Dan Kammen was featured in a recent article in the Los Angeles Times proposing that Russian aggression has hastened the need for America and other nations to transition away from relying on fossil fuels. (Photo by Karsten Würth)

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The Fundamentals of a Clean(er) Economy – Dan Kammen

The Fundamentals of a Clean(er) Economy – Dan Kammen

ERG Chair Dan Kammen wrote an Op-Ed piece for the Daily Californian this week, outlining the stark global reality of climate change in 2018 and the need for collective action. ... Continue Reading »

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A Battery of Choices – Energy Storage in the 21st Century

A Battery of Choices – Energy Storage in the 21st Century

As the world moves away from using traditional fossil fuels and towards sources of renewable energy like wind and solar, securing cost-effective ways to store this electricity is essential. ERG ... Continue Reading »

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EU Renewable Energy Plan for 2030 Allows Countries to Cut Down and Burn Additional Trees for Energy

EU Renewable Energy Plan for 2030 Allows Countries to Cut Down and Burn Additional Trees for Energy

The European Union has set ambitious goals for its renewable energy portfolio in order to drastically reduce emissions by 2030. However, the current version of its plan essentially allows for ... Continue Reading »

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International Team, including ERG, publishes “Three years to safeguard our climate” in Nature

including ERG International Team

“The fossil-​​free econ­omy is already profitable.”

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Kammen: Panelists Consider Potential of Nuclear Power As Climate Change Solution

Kammen: Panelists Consider Potential of Nuclear Power As Climate Change Solution

ERG professor Dan Kammen spoke on a Cornell University panel on the potential of nuclear power to address global climate change.

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ERG at the Paris Climate Talks

ERG at the Paris Climate Talks

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris has begun and will continue until December 11th. Energy and Resources Group faculty, students and alumni will be playing an active role at the conference and the many peripheral activities.

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Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out, but scientists say the work’s just begun.

but scientists say the work’s just begun. Obama’s Clean Power Plan is finally out

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen was featured in two magazine publications regarding Obama's Clean Power Plan and the impacts it might have on the U.S. population.

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Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.

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First Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide’s Increasing Greenhouse Effect at the Earth’s Surface

First Direct Observation of Carbon Dioxide’s Increasing Greenhouse Effect at the Earth’s Surface

Paper published in Nature by Daniel Feldman and other LBL scientists, including ERG core faculty Margaret Torn.

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Topics (1 results)

Mazur, Anna

Anna Mazur


Anna Mazur is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Mazur interests includes developing new facilities and strategic planning of generation portfolios, revising outdated policies like capital cost ... Continue Reading »

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